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The Kadelieort

The Kadelieort is the legislative branch in the government of Posaf comprising of two houses, the upper house where the two largest parties are equally represented (with a Monarchical representative), the House of Lords. The other lower house being the House of Commons being elected every four months by a party list style voting from every region.

As the legislature of Posaf, the Houses can submit bills to their respected legislatures in order to be passed to the Monarch or the Higher Lord. When the House of Commons submits a bill it goes through the ministry it is related too for approval from the ministry that it would not affect it in a bad way, or limit rights. After the Commons, the bill then moves up to the House of Lords (if it gets a majority vote) where it is voted on. If they get a majority then the Higher Lord signs off on the bill. Although if the bill changes the constitution, the Monarch must sign it and can veto the bill too.


With the House of Lords for getting a bill to become a law, it is different with little less restriction on the bill becoming a law. The law is introduced to the House of Lords but the House of Commons must be informed on the bill. If the bill has a majority vote to send it to the Monarch for signing the House of Commons can veto the bill. If the House of Commons does not veto the bill is sent t the Monarch to sign along with the Higher Lord, no matter who signs it.


The Kadelieort has elections every four months for a constant cycle of equal politics, in the nation. Before these elections, the parties or independents select a Party-Front to represent them if they win the most seats or second most seats in the House of Commons to be sent to the House of Lords. If there is a tie in House seats for the Higher Lord then the House and third parties vote on the Higher Lord.

Provisions and History


Old and Current Compositions


As of January 16th, 2020:
House of Lords
 - Higher Lord Courtney Annalou (Conservative)
 - Lower Lord Henry Edwelo (Liberal)
 - Lord Parker O'Leary (Buck)

House of Commons:
 - Emmy Smith (Squamily/Squamily)
 - Rose Danen (Squamily/Squamily)
 - Andy Irons (United/West Posaf)
 - Henry Rydina (Squamily/Turtle City)
 - Zarel Smith (Foreign/Nievenorte)
 - Austin Jaax (Foreign/Nievenorte)
 - David Hernandez  (Squamily/Squamily)
 - Delana Jeari  (Squamily/Squamily)
 - Nicolas Millan (Foreign/Asiata)
 - Nour Shamon  (Squamily/Squamily)

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