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Major Political Parties

Conservative Party of Posaf

The Conservative Party is a centre-right political party in Posaf. The Conservative party was founded by Courtney Annalou, Rose Danen, and Nicholas Randouler on January 2nd, 2018. The party's head office is located in Turtle City. 


With the party being a centre-right party the values it pertains are mainly social conservatism, economic liberalism. The party does contain minority factions such as; libertarianism, fiscal-conservatism, conservatism, and centrism.

Liberal Party of Posaf

The Liberal party of Posaf is a centre-left political party in Posaf. The Party was founded by Henry Edwelo, and Delana Jeari also on January 2nd 2018. The party's office is in Turtle City.


The party is mostly left-wing focusing on modern, economic and social liberalism. Along with having minority factions of cultural, conservative and green liberalsim, along with progressivism. 

New Democrats Party of Posaf

The New Democrats Party of Posaf is a centre big tent political party in Posaf. The NDP was founded by Austin Jaax in March of 2018 with a platform of social democracy but has since moved away to a libertarian side after the Libertarian wave in Posafian politics.

With the party being centre and libertarian the party focuses on; libertarianism, [social] centrism, and economic liberalism with factions of conservative liberalism and classical liberalism.

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