Prince Henry I - Henry Edwelo
January 4th - January 13th 2018
Prince Courtney I - Courtney Annalou
January 13th - January 16th 2018
Prince Henry II - Henry Rydina
January 16th 2018 -
January 16th 2020
Prince Nicholas I - Nick Randouler
January 16th 2020 - Incubment
The Monarch
The Monarch or the Monarchy of Posaf is the highest person in the status of nobility in Posaf. Although the Higher Lord has more power the Monarch still has duties. The Monarch is apart of the executive branch of Posaf and is elected every year by the people in a two-step election.
Prince Nicholas I is the reigning monarch of Posaf after being elected into his first term in office. The Monarch is elected but takes a more ceremonial role in Posafian politics. The Monarch of the Principality is allowed to;
Select new positions
Name Duke, Duchess, (Province) Baron, Baroness, (County) Knight, Dame (Cities, Townships) Sir, Lady (Nations whole)
Give out orders and awards
Can establish relations
Ask for new laws
Sign treaties for foreign affairs or joining organizations
Override a Parliament decision while still in session, thus meaning if a law the Monarch deems unjust can be overruled by him or her. The House of Commons and or House of Lords can bring it back with a â…” majority
Can sign off on a referendum, and laws introduced from the House of Lords.
While the Monarch does have a ceremonial role, laws and acts have to be approved by the Monarch in Parliament (transition from House of Commons to House of Lords) and only if the law will affect the Posafian Constitution.